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How to Save Money on a Trip to Spain

If you are looking to visit Spain for your next vacation, before you throw your money away on a hotel, check out Villas in Spain. A Villa is a house in the country, which is often a much more affordable alternative to a motel. At a motel you are stuck eating out 3 times a day, you often have no frige or microwave, not to mention you're usually stuck next to lousy neighbors. However, by considering renting Family holiday villas in Costa del Sol you can have all the anemities you desire in one place, for a flat price.

So before you book a Spain hotel, check it places to Save money with a holiday villa in the Canary Islands . You can Find beautiful villas in Majorca for LESS than the price of a motel and 3 meals on the road a day!

And, before you book, make sure you get all the Spain Tourist information - By getting Tourist Information in advance you can often plan your trip on "off seasons" and save even more money!