If you have been a fan of my other site, Paid Opportunities, then you know that I am a very straight shooter when it comes to reviewing companies. I pride myself in the “tell it like it is” approach, not the “Tell it like it isn’t so I can make money”. So when I came across this Best Cheap Vacations deal I was pretty excited to write about it.
You see, the whole point of Best Cheap Vacations is not to have a sucky, but cheap vacation, but instead to show people that you don’t have to spend a million bucks to have a killer time. There’s tons of ways to cut costs that you probably never even heard of. Sometimes, you can eliminate costs completely – such as meals. And I’m not saying “don’t eat” – but why not eat for free?
Here’s the newest idea –
TableTop.co.uk is a really cool site that offers travels a great chance to eat for free. All you have to do is: 1. book a restaurant reservation through their site (so they know you’re really not fudging the second part). There’s obviously no cost to book a reservation.
2. Eat 3. “Rate” your experience online and 4. Earn and accumulate points that equal free meals. (Yes, they are actually FREE. No catch).
The only US state that TableTop is currently working with is New York. However, there’s a selection of places you can pick from. And if you live in the U.K you’re in luck because there’s a million places you can pick from!
Either way, New Yorker or not, here’s a basic breakdown of the point system:
200 points
Register and signup for our newsletter
200 points
Booking for 1 to 9 people
400 points
Hotel bookings through toptable
600 points
Booking for 10 to 19 people
1400 points
Booking for 20 to 39 people
+1400 points
for each additional 20 people over a booking of 39 people
Now, you can also get points for booking restaurants for other people as well. Think of the possibilities here – Mothers Day present, Christmas gift…
And if you think it’s impossible to earn a free mal, think again. You can get a super glamorous meal for two people for as little as 1,400 points.
So if you are a New Yorker or are Traveling to The Big Apple, or if you live in the UK, then you should totally take advantage of this program. It’s FREE!
*FREE Flight,
*FREE Hotel,
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