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Where to find AFFORDABLE Orlando Vacation Rentals

I foyu're considering going on a vacation, why pay a ton of cash for a hotel or a motel that it tiny and cramped?

Many people have found that the practical, affordable solution is vacation rentals. Orlando Vacation Rentals are a super hot item because they are perfect for family vacationing as well as a luxiousious vacation for couples. VacationsByOwner currently has over 100 Florida Vacation Rentals available. Some of the rentals can sleep up to 14 people! Others have hot tubs, beach front property, pools and more! Its truly the new twist on same 'ol vacationing!

What makes vacation rentals so amazing is that you can get them for a "By the Week" price. Often times, this price is LESS than you would have spent on a shady motel and sub-par food. And dont forget the other "hidden costs" that often go along with hotel stays - parking, transportation, etc! Once you add all those items up you will discover that often times you have spent well over $1,300 for a single week - and you paid your hard earned money to sleep on a nasty matress and use uncomfortable pillows! Well, say "buh-bye" to wasting funds! By using a vacation rental you are able to get the best of the best - NEW, update appliances! Comfy beds! Walk in closets that hold all your beautiful threads and more!