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Get FREE Money for a Vacation - You CAN Afford a Vaca!

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There’s lots of other kinds of vacations you can take that are next to free – camping is one of them. However, I pretty much hate camping so I’m not going to discuss that in this article. My opinion is that if I want to have a vacation”, I want a nice hotel, a hot bubble bath, beautiful restaurants and all the “finer things in life”. If I wanted to see nature I’d take a walk or maybe hike…maybe.

If you are clever, you can get everything I have mentioned dirt cheap or possibly even FREE! I have found many amazing deals that I will share with you later in this article, but first let’s discuss how you are going to budget WITHOUT cutting into a penny you make from your regular job.

I’m going to do some basic planning for you and estimate your costs. You can work out the details on your own.
So lets start by saying your vacation is going to cost a total of $300 for you and a partner. And, yes, you really CAN get a super vaca for $300! No joke! Just check Out BestCheapVacations for tons of examples!

Now here’s how you’re going to get the money WITHOUT even cutting into what you make at your 9 to 5.

The internet is filled with ways to make money with no investment. I have spent the past two years researching this concept and creating my website that teaches people how to work online full time, so I’m not going to give you any B.S.
There’s several easy, practical ways to generate enough money to 100% pay for a $300 vacation in less than 2 months working only an hour or less a day. And you don’t have to be a computer wiz to do any of these things either! So check it out –

1. Take paid surveys for REAL companies. My favorite is SurveySavvy. They pay $2 per survey and you can get your pay check any time, even if you have only made $2. So lets say you take one 15 minute survey a day for 60 days, that will give you $120.

2. Write Articles. Associated Content buys articles about pretty much any topic imaginable. You do not have to have a single credential to write for them, but your articles have to be semi-interesting. You can write about children tips, cooking, crafts, biology, whatever you do at your job – literally ANYTHING. Just please don’t submit personal articles about what trick your cat learned or how your husband got a raise at work. Anyways, AC buys your articles from you UPFRONT and pays cash via paypal. So if you spend 1 hour a day submitting 1 – 2 articles, they will buy them from you for about $4 - $15, depending on how good your article is. So lets assume you are able to submit 11 articles a week and the average pay per article is $5.50 (just an estimate! You could get $10 per article!) this means that you will have made $220 in ONE MONTH and $440 in 60 days!!! $440 is MORE than you need for your vaca!

3. There’s lots of other ways to make money online, but those are two simple, no run-around ideas that I actively use. If you want hundreds more ideas, refer to my website, PaidOpportunities.Blogspot.com.

Ok, so now you see that no matter what you do, you will be able to afford your vacation within 60 days (aka 2 months). 60 days gives you just enough time to plan what it is that you want to do. For tons of ideas on how you can travel nation wide, stay in a nice hotel and eat for $300, check out the articles on Best Cheap Vacations!