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How to Get Free Meals in Las Vegas

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Las Vegas is a blast...if you're smart. The reason I say this is because in a city like Vegas it's beyond easy to spend money without thinking twice about it. There's so many things to do and see...and buy and we have not even mentioned the gambling part yet. So one of the best things you can do is to shave money off of your vacation one step at a time. The first aspect that we will discuss is dining.
If you have been to Las Vegas then you know my favorite word all ready, if you have never been there, the word is "BUFFET". If you're planning to spend time in LV you gotta eat at as many buffets as you can because the food is AMAZING! But, the downside is that all of the restaurants (buffets included) totally price gouge. I'm talking, plan on spending an easy $20 for one buffet. Once you add up a buffet for breakfast and a buffet for dinner for two people, three days in a row, you have spent almost $250 on two meals a day! Thats $250 you could have spent trying to strike it rich! So check it out, here's how you can cut your meal cost IN HALF! Yup, that's right - get a TOTALLY FREE MEAL, every meal.

There's a site called VegasDiningDiscounts.com that sells a coupon book for under $20. They offer over $350 worth of free meals in their book. Most of the coupons are "Buy 1 get 1 free" - which is fine because you're probably not going to be eating alone, right?
And the coupons they have are for great, legit places that you'd actually WANT to eat at: The MGM Rainforest Cafe, The Hilton Quark's-Star Trek Themed Restaurant, SAHARA BUFFET (*This was my all time favorite dinner buffet! I loved Circus-Circus for breakfast!), TONY ROMA'S (Voted Best BBQ in all of Vegas!), Paris' LES ARTISTES STEAKHOUSE, Ballys Steakhouse and more.

You can buy your books right online and they can be shipped to your home within 12 days. OR if it's totally last minute, for an extra $10 you can have them shipped to your hotel room. Click HERE to check them out! Just think, for the price of a single buffet ticket ($20) you will be able to save well over $200 in a 3 day trip!