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Real Free Disney & Sea World Tickets

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So you want FREE Disney or Sea world tickets? Yes, there REALLY is such thing as FREE Disney or Sea world tickets, and “no”, you don’t have to buy anything to get them.

Here’s what’s up for grabs to almost anyone:

1. The Sea World Whale of a Package: Get 2 FREE passes - Each pass is good for 2 days, within 6 days at Sea World Orlando. Additional tickets just $54 per adult and just $44 per child. This will give you a savings of $132!

2. Pirates Dinner Show Gold Dubloon Package: Get 4 FREE passes - Each pass is good for dinner and show at Pirates Dinner Adventure on International Drive. Full 5 course meal and incredible pirate action dinner show. Additional tickets just $20 per person. This package lets you save $220.

3. Disney Superstar Package: Get 2 passes, Each pass is good for 2 Disney Theme Parks PLUS 1 Disney Water park. Visit 3 different Disney locations over 3 days. Additional tickets just $110 each ($74.26 savings!) *This offer expires Sept 30th 2007, but check back because I’m sure there will be a replacement immediately that is the same thing or similar.

Yup, you really CAN get any of these…for FREE, BUT you have to attend a presentation. It’s one of those Timeshare gigs. And there’s no way of escaping the presentation because you don’t get your freebies until you go to it. But the presentation is only 90 minutes long and I have some sure fire ways to get you your freebies and out of it in no time (I’m a professional! LOL! Seriously, I have been to many of these things and score so much free stuff, you wouldn’t believe me if I told ya!)

First, in order to “qualify” you need to meet the following criteria:

1. Be married, or be a couple that can show proof of co-habitation.
2. One individual in the couple must be between the ages of 23-70 with a valid photo ID or passport to qualify

3. Combined gross annual household income of $50,000 Guests must present a major credit card and a valid photo ID at the tour reception desk.

Now here’s the deal, as stated, there’s no way of getting out of the terrible presentation and still getting your tickets. BUT there’s ways to end your presentation right away – you just have to be smart about it.

Here’s the catch to receiving the tickets: you DON’T have to buy a timeshare. You simply have to listen to their sales pitch. SO the key is to end the pitch as fast as possible. Saying you’re not interested is NOT enough. Saying you can’t afford it will only lead to hour after hour of negotiation. These people are trained for every rebuttal you can think of. BUT the catch is that there’s a few elements that restrict you from buying into a timeshare, such as BANKRUPTY, DEBT RELIEF or CREDIT CONSOLIDATION. So just tell your sales rep that you are in the process of one of the above mentioned and you will be immediately given your tickets and sent on your way! Click HERE to get your free tickets and sign up for your presentation.